Shot tracking getting worse?
under review
James Jeffrey
Of late (last few months) the shot tracking has been horribly inconsistent. Not only getting who is shooting wrong, but where from and a lot of the time if it went it or not. I have to go through every workout I do now and spend a long time correcting all the shots. It doesn’t matter if I’m indoors, outdoors, different angles, closer, further away. And it’s not even like it’s the far side of the court that’s getting mis tracked, it’s everywhere. It can be a free throw or a shot closest to the camera, it doesn’t matter. It’s is very inconsistent.
Very frustrating
Alex Francis
I am having a similar issue, I’ll be taking a shot just to the side of the bucket from a foot or two away and it’s tracking it as a deep three from straight in front. Don’t understand how it’s so off
under review
James Jeffrey Can you please share with me your profile link so that I can take a look into your workouts and see what the issue may be?
Daniel Frasz
Colin: I have noticed a similar problem the past few shooting sessions that I have had. Both indoors with lots of lighting using my iPhone 11 Pro. The one session consistently missed reverse layups. The other session it missed many of the shots from the left hand side
Dates were Aug 14th and 15th -