
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Hope everyone have a good thanksgiving break. We've released 3.16 and addressed a few request in that release:
  1. Added team battle, now you can choose a team and to battle only with the corresponding team members.
  2. Made improvement to avoid leaderboard rule violation. e.g. Made all workout tracker leaderboards to accumulated leaderboard rather than per session, users at the top are now really those who put in the right effort. We've also clean up cheating sessions on "Lateral Movement" and "Agility Hurdle". We will continue to make improvements in the next couple release and keep everyone posted, please don't hesitate to report cheating behavior in-app or here.
  3. Made slight improvement on the release time shot graph, indicate miss shot with blue color so now you can tell the differences in your release time between make/miss shots.
Hi All, we have added a couple top voted features in this release:
  • The new dribble workout tracks any dribble moves you want to practice, please try it out and let us know how you like it.
  • Now you can comment on a workout videos. Coaches can give feedback to players, and everyone can comment on friends workout to show encouragement :).
  • We also added a HIIT workout routine for those who's more hardcore in physical training.
Hi all,
We’ve addressed quite a few top requests in this release
  • Mitigate cheating for getting on leaderboard
- With the help from many of you to flag invalid entries, the leaderboard has been cleaned up quite a bit. This release we improved game rules for the following ball to make them difficult to cheat. More improvement in the next release.
- Single target
- Double target
- Crossover
- Ball control
- Random target
- Lateral Quickness
- Slick Handles
- Killer Crossover
  • Features for coaches and teams
- Introduced “Post and Comment” for coaches to make announcements and assign homework teams. We will make homework assignment even easier in the next release. (in a week or so)
- Added Team goals with number of shots, number of dribbles and agility time for the whole team. You may challenge your whole team to get to a milestone together!
Other than the above, here are some highlighted features in 2.6:
  • Battle Mode
- You don't have to practice on your own anymore! You can now instantly get matched up with players around the world to compete and push your skills even further. Go check it out!
- HomeCourt summer camp will start on 6/22, you may pre-register on HomeCourt now.
Enjoy the new version. Again, please keep the feedback coming!
hi all,
We've been working very hard to revamp our Team features, and I
am excited to share that Team 2.0 is launched with version 3.3 today! If you are coaches, players in teams or even family members using HomeCourt to compete against each other, the new version is for you!
Here are some highlight features for team 2.0
  • A much better designed team page, accessible from your profile.
  • Team leaderboards: total time of workouts, total number of dribbles, total number of shot makes.
  • "Popular activities" automatically curated based on the engagement on different activities in your team.
  • Player performance summary: aggregated weekly/monthly/all time performance data of each player.
Other than Team 2.0, below are more from the new version:
  • New drills
- Single-player ladder and single-player reaction agility drills.
- Ball protection activity for avoiding steals in basketball.
- New soccer drills for dribbling and juggling. (We even include other sports that you, or your kids may be playing)
  • Ability to flag invalid leaderboard entries.
  • Improvements to the activity summary after a workout including related activities, video sharing, and personal records.
  • Refinements to the in-game audio experience.
Enjoy! And please feel free to give us any feedback
• Other minor UX enhancement and bug fixes.
Hi everyone,
We are working on revamping our Team features and would like to work closely with coaches.
So we've set up a private Coach Feedback forum, will start with a small set of coaches to pilot and bounce ideas.
Please send me an email at if you are interested to join, I will send you an invite if so.
It is much bigger than our usual .5 release, so it's worth to send a notice to you guys here :).
Here are some notable features, please try and give us feedback:
  • Challenge of the Day: Each day HomeCourt will provide a new challenge with a score to beat. Featuring pro athletes from a variety of sports, see if you can beat their best.
  • All-new & fun agility activities include CrossFit, 2-Player Ladder and Lateral Hop. It's great for doing it at home~
  • Relaunch the NBA HotShot Challenge as suggested in this forum
  • Enabled wide angle camera as a beta feature as it's one of the top request here. You can go to Settings -> Advanced -> "Use Ultra-wide Camera"
Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
It's our honor to serve the community at this difficult time while physical activities is mostly restricted at home.
The HomeCourt team is working extra hard to handle the unforeseen amount of traffic in the last few weeks, we apologize if you hit slowness in loading or find your leaderboard records not correct, we are working hard to continuously fixing that.
Having said that, we are also working hard to update the app to offer richer experiences. So 3.2 is out, below are the list of new features, hope that address some of the requests here.
  • Added All time dribble and agility badges
  • 5 minutes ball handling routines
  • More ball handling drills, in particular, 2-balls burnout drill!
  • Enhanced summary screens after recording to better present your performance data and celebrate your achievements!
Hope you enjoy the new version!
Dear HomeCourt family,
I am sure many of you have already downloaded and using the HomeCourt 3.0 version. It is a very big change in terms of both feature sets and the UI, and we really wanna know whether the changes are making it better for most of you.
If you haven't tried the new version yet, I would like to personally invite you to check it out, and give us feedback on whether the new version looks more refreshed, the new skill ratings is motivating for improving your skills, or indeed the HomeCourt 3.0 version introduced quite some frustrations.
Please share your honest feedback, we always listen and want to continuously improve the product to serve your goals better.
Thanks again, hope you enjoy the new HomeCourt 3.0 version
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Hi HomeCourt family, I wish all of you having a great holiday!
I am also excited to announce the v2.19 update with "Squad Account" support! We name it squad because it's not for family, you can also invite your friends to join your Squad!
Now you can add 3 more profiles to your squad for your kids, and invite other HomeCourt users to join your Squad and shared the subscription with the same price. Check it out by tapping on the "person icon" at the top of your profile (or you can also tap on your profile picture to bring up the Squad page).
Happy Holiday again!
Hi Everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving! Together with the holiday, we are excited to announce in the latest update, we have added the top request "Family Accounts" feature on iPhone.
It's currently a beta version, but you can create profiles for your kids and switch to record under their corresponding profile easily on your iPhone.
Please try it out and leave us any feedback, we will have full version of Family Accounts that have more complete feature set very soon.
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