Hi all,
We’ve addressed quite a few top requests in this release
  • Mitigate cheating for getting on leaderboard
- With the help from many of you to flag invalid entries, the leaderboard has been cleaned up quite a bit. This release we improved game rules for the following ball to make them difficult to cheat. More improvement in the next release.
- Single target
- Double target
- Crossover
- Ball control
- Random target
- Lateral Quickness
- Slick Handles
- Killer Crossover
  • Features for coaches and teams
- Introduced “Post and Comment” for coaches to make announcements and assign homework teams. We will make homework assignment even easier in the next release. (in a week or so)
- Added Team goals with number of shots, number of dribbles and agility time for the whole team. You may challenge your whole team to get to a milestone together!
Other than the above, here are some highlighted features in 2.6:
  • Battle Mode
- You don't have to practice on your own anymore! You can now instantly get matched up with players around the world to compete and push your skills even further. Go check it out!
- HomeCourt summer camp will start on 6/22, you may pre-register on HomeCourt now.
Enjoy the new version. Again, please keep the feedback coming!