Export shooting workout stats (Metadata) as CSV
Nick Simmons
I am looking to export the stats/shot analysis for a shooting workout as a spreadsheet (Excel, CSV, etc.). I am a data scientist, and I want to analyze my shooting data further to find patterns between my shooting data for each shot.
Said another way, I want to explore the Release Time, Release Angle, Vertical, Speed, etc., for every attempt I take in a shooting workout.
Is there a way to do this currently? Or can you help me pull the data some other way?
Scott Chappel
I second the ability to export with workout stats to a file, or an API to pull the data down as required. I develop a BI platform and would love to get this data into a model that I can report on.
P. K. Chan
Nick Simmons Unfortunately at this time we cannot do that. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Nick Simmons
Colin: I can add “further” analysis for the Everyman so they can begin using their metadata to solidify their game. Use advanced shot recognition using RI-AI to build perfect nbabots. Plug me if you really want to know what’s possible.
Nick Simmons
Colin please reach out with some more info on your RL work. Email me at nick@prodigyanalytics.io. Thanks!!