Woops error: Allow users to complete an incomplete drill
under review
Richard Woltjer
Another want: occasionally, I “finish” a drill before I meet the drill requirements. Return to the cell camera, click end, and the woops error comes up telling me that I didn’t get enough makes, or enough shots to complete the drill. I’d be happier if it gave me the option then to return to the drill and meet its requirements. As it stands, I lose all the shots in the drill and have to start over again, or leave. Happened this morning with the 3 Point Star Academy drill which requires 15 makes. I got 10 or so and had to start over!
Any chance for this? Thanks for the consideration. Love HomeCourt!
Luke Michael Taylor
Maybe add a voice notification/announcement whilst your doing the drill, like “you’ve hit the target” when you have hit the required amount for that drill.
Or on the screen a little green tick next to the close button, so you know if it’s been completed or not
Philip Lam
under review
Richard Woltjer
Did the Star Academy 3 point drill today. Requires 15 makes, I believe. Didn’t track my makes, had a dismal drill, and got the whoops error, after 20-30 shots. Ugh!!!
Philip Lam
Good idea!
Patrick M
This needs to be fixed. Sometime I just forget how many attempts. I’ll do 20 and it tells me I need to do 30 but I can’t go back.