Be able customise and create a workout plan using the homecourt drills before you start your workout
Eli Fitzgerald
Before users start there workout they can select multiple drills in chronological order and then start there workout for example I select 40 free throw drill 60elbow pull ups then 40free throw drill again then 60elbow pulll ups!!! When I start and reach my 40 free throws the app calls out on the speaker saying next drill 60 elbow pull up jumpers and so on !!
Eli Fitzgerald
I would love an all time makes for drills and custom drills for example let’s take the free throw drill you guys at homecourt created if done that drill 200 times maybe so I would love to know specifically how many total all time makes for that drill I have attached a photo of a screenshot I took and edited it in gallery to show you guys where I think ye showed put it
Eli Fitzgerald
I like how we can add an instructional video to our custom drills would also like if we could add an instructional photo aswell as some drills require a diagram
Eli Fitzgerald
When I select a cover picture for my custom drill at first I select a coulor red blue green etc for that picture then overtime I want to remove the colour from the picture but homecourt doesn’t seem to let me remove the colour from the picture only change colour
Philip Lam
Philip Lam
We will mark this request complete for now, but will continue to improve the drill customization feature.
Eli Fitzgerald
Philip Lam: would love to see this feature added to the app please
Philip Lam
Hi all, in v3.12.1, you can create your own "training program" by connecting HomeCourt drills or customized drills created by yourself!
Update your app and give it a try!
Philip Lam
Hi all, please update to version 3.11, we've added a 'Create activity" to allow you customize most of the activities, including to set a duration on shooting workout!
Please try and let us know if that help. We will continue to improve the 'Create activity' capability in the following releases, so stay tuned!
Jason Masterson
Philip Lam: awesome thankbyou! Does it allow you to create a workout inuding several drills. Like 300 left then 300 right then dribble math
Ken Newhouse
Philip Lam: need to be able to edit after created, Be able creat a series task like the beginner fundamentals and be more specific about what drill they are doing. Vs, in/outs, cross overs, floaters, etc.
Philip Lam
Ken Newhouse: Jason Masterson, we are working on both editing and connecting drills functionalities, hopefully will be out in a couple weeks!
Benjamin Duckworth
Make sure there's the ability to customize breaks in between each drill so you can push start and never have to touch it till you're finish working out. I would love a similar screen set up to the 5 min ball handling routines.
Philip Lam
Benjamin Duckworth: Yes, we will have that in the next version hopefully in a couple weeks!
Eli Fitzgerald
A couple things I would like to see added when the customize drills feature is released.
- A video demonstrating drill and a layout of a basketball court so we can draw up the drill on it and easily see where cones and should be and how to execute drill
- Set the Target off the drill is there a certain time we have to beat or complete the drill in or is there a certain number of makes we have to get or shots we have to take
- A Graph for each drill would love a graph for the drill so we can easily see our improvement and best scores we should be allowed to customize the graph so if the drill is based on time on the y-axis would be the time and x-axis would be the date and so on if it was makes or shots
- Badges for drills we create would love the ability to add a badge for the drill we created nothing fancy for example a badge that represents our best score in that drill or our best time whatever the target is for that drill and these badges should be located with all our other badges are so we can easily see our best records when viewing other badges
- Ability to create different variations of the drill and easily find them so we can make it harder and easier
- Be able to easily store and search drill for further use
- Select zones on the court chart where this drill will be focusing on for example if my drill focuses on multiple areas like finishing and shooting a three on the wings I would be select the zone near the basketball and the two right and left wing three point zones therefore if I want to improve a certain zone I select that zone and it shows me all the drills that contain shooting from that zone etc
Philip Lam
Merged in a post:
Customize a Drill
sports dude
Make it so you can Customize a drill
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